Showing 1 to 15 of 617 results

Waste Treatment & Industrial Valorization
Research Services and Capabilities FUNDITEC

Hydrodynamic cavitation wastewater treatment
Patents for licensing University of Ljubljana

Use of proteins from alternative sources for food applications
Research Services and Capabilities FUNDITEC

Communications Platform - Social Media Style
Investment Opportunities in Startups and Spinoffs CAL - Claims Advocate Limited

Vegan Thrive, A Capsule-in-Capsule Supplement for Vegans
Investment Opportunities in Startups and Spinoffs Robert DiSilvestro

AONIR PLATFORM, for in line and real-time production characterization based on NIRS technology.
Innovative Products and Technologies AOTECH

Enhance cooling in Evaporative Air condition and greenhouses for Agriculture
Innovative Products and Technologies Jazan University

Molecular Method that radically improves the diagnosis of Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT)
Patents for licensing CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

BTS-Dryer. Biogas & gases dryer Dryer
Innovative Products and Technologies Biogas & Gases Technologies

Probiotic cellulose: antibiotic-free antibacterial for surface protection
Patents for licensing Universidad de Granada

FN NANO®️ technology and its contribution to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance).
Innovative Products and Technologies FN NANO CANADA

Printed circuit on glass fiber fabrics to be integrated deep in the composite materials structure to create "smart" composite Manu[…]
Innovative Products and Technologies MCVE Technologie

An electrical stable electrochemical sensor device based on Electrolyte-gated field-effect transistor (EGFET)
Patents for licensing CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

A dynamic thermal system for reducing energy demands in buildings
Patents for licensing Universitat de Lleida