Showing 1 to 15 of 617 results
Controlled release system of encapsulated gas or volatile agents with agricultural uses

Controlled release system of encapsulated gas or volatile agents with agricultural uses

Patents for licensing Universidad Andres Bello
Colorimetric sensor array for pH  measurement

Colorimetric sensor array for pH measurement

Patents for licensing Unismart - University of Padua Foundation
Valorisation of pineapple agro-food by-products to obtain bioactive compounds and their incorporation into polymers for food packa[…]

Valorisation of pineapple agro-food by-products to obtain bioactive compounds and their incorporation into polymers for food packa[…]

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alicante
Nanoparticles of functionalized silica for the removal of arsenate

Nanoparticles of functionalized silica for the removal of arsenate

Patents for licensing Universidad Andres Bello
Biodegradable and biocompatible nano and microparticle development platform for microplastic replacement

Biodegradable and biocompatible nano and microparticle development platform for microplastic replacement

Knowhow and Research output ICN2
Optimized analysis of slurry in agriculture

Optimized analysis of slurry in agriculture

Patents for licensing Unismart - University of Padua Foundation
Digital OR Pulse Combining Photomultiplier

Digital OR Pulse Combining Photomultiplier

Patents for licensing CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Soy - Based Leather Conditioner

Soy - Based Leather Conditioner

Innovative Products and Technologies Airable Research Lab, business line of Ohio Soybean Council
Vanillin (a Greener and cost-effective conversion of lignin and ferulic acid into vanillin)

Vanillin (a Greener and cost-effective conversion of lignin and ferulic acid into vanillin)

Patents for licensing University of Ljubljana
Discoloration of effluents by membrane technologies

Discoloration of effluents by membrane technologies

Research Services and Capabilities UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS


Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
System and method of acquisition of samples at different depths for automatic and real-time monitoring of water quality in an aqua[…]

System and method of acquisition of samples at different depths for automatic and real-time monitoring of water quality in an aqua[…]

Patents for licensing CINBIO
Method for an accurate simultaneous detection of multiple viruses in samples

Method for an accurate simultaneous detection of multiple viruses in samples

Patents for licensing CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Knowledge on occupational safety and health (OSH)

Knowledge on occupational safety and health (OSH)

Knowhow and Research output PEROSH
Device for simple vacuum sublimation

Device for simple vacuum sublimation

Patents for licensing ICMAB-CSIC