Professor Francisco Tomas group at CEBAS-CSIC has isolated and characterized the first urolithins-
producing microorganism from ellagic acid and ellagitannins present in the diet. A urolithin producing
method based on the use of the mentioned microorganism has been developed and both, the
microorganism and the method are part of a Spanish priority patent application assigned to CSIC.
Biotech companies, functional food or nutraceutical companies are sought for license and/or
development agreements.
An offer for Patent Licensing
Antioxidant activity
Urolithins production as in the intestine Urolithins are antioxidant compounds that could act as estrogenic modulators, have anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities, prebiotic effects and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
The microbes present in the intestine through dietary ellagic acid and ellagitannins metabolism produce these compounds. The urolithins produced, once absorbed, join the blood current and could exert their protecting effect in the corresponding organ/tissue.
The invention provides a microorganism capable to produce urolithins from dietary ellagic acid and ellagitannins. Besides, a method for industrial production of urolithins to be used in food compositions, drinks, dietary complements, pharmaceutical compositions and/or functional foods enriched in urolithins produced in a similar form as in the intestine (bacterial metabolism from dietary polyphenols) has been developed.
Main innovations and advantages
· The first described and characterized microorganism able to produceurolithins.
· Method for industrial production of urolithins for various uses aspharmaceutical, food, drink, etc.
· Urolithins producing microorganism identification system.